1) Try not to arrive to the main mealtoo hungry.
Don’t forget breakfast. Start the morning with a healthy meal, a shake or a pumpkin smoothie. Don’t starve. Avoid trying to save your appetite for dinner or you will tend to overeat.
2) Start you meal/dinner with healthy soup. E.g. Creamy Pumpkin Soup, or Veggie Chowder, or any soup that your family loves.
Use low fat creams for soups and desserts.
3) Serve on small plates. Countless studies have shown that when plates are smaller, less food is placed on them, and less is eaten. Resist the urge to show off the entire China set, and use just the appetizer plates and soup bowls.
4) Eat more salads and sides dishes. Color your table. The turkey, stuffing, gravy, and potatoes are all shades of beige-brown. Thank goodness for the cranberry sauce. But what about some hearty salads as sides too? Corn on the cob, Broccoli, beans, carrots and peas, beets, leafy greens, as well as peppers, eggplants, and so many other veggies can be an integral and healthy part of the meal.
5) Drink water. And fine wine. But not soft drinks, juices, and other useless calories.
6) Wait before dessert. Take 20-30 minutes after finishing off the main course to let your body feel full. You’ll then be happy with a small portion.
Make the dessert from fruits (fruit salad) it's preferred over cakes and other sugar full or fat full desserts.
7) Plan the days after. You’ve got a long weekend, ahead of you.
How about planning some physical activity outdoors. Hike, jog, walk around the neighborhood.
8) Eat more protein based food. It increases the metabolism.
9) Have plenty of fruit and vegetables stocked up for preparing and eating together with leftovers from the holiday meal.
10) Don’t beat yourself up! If you feel like your family forgot their healthy habits, then just get the family back on the healthy track.
Have a Healthy Holiday. These tips can be used all year round!
1000 tips for good nutrition and healthy lifestyle
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