Monday, May 10, 2010

"Me" Time

Sometimes staying motivated requires a little incentive. Hey — there's nothing wrong with that! The next time you get through a really tough workout, beat your previous running time, or follow your healthy-eating plan flawlessly for a straight week, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back — do something special that's all about you!
How about a day of pampering? Get a fab new haircut, a mani-pedi, a facial, or a massage. There's no need go to an expensive spa! Ask your mother or a friend to let the kids stay with her overnight, and spend an evening soaking in a tub filled with lavender-scented essential oil. Then dive into that novel you've been meaning to finish.

If you're close to your ideal weight, shop for some new clothes to fit your incredibly shrinking body! Or reward your hard work each month by picking up a new fitness accessory (a medicine ball, say, or a pedometer) or a kitchen tool to help you prepare all those good-for-you meals. You can even while away the hours by taking a stroll around your neighborhood, checking out your town's Main Street boutiques — and making a pit stop at that low-fat frozen yogurt place that just opened up! You'll find that a little treat goes a long way!

1 comment:

  1. yes, I have started using my vita mix for healthy shakes again.
