Heading out of town? If you travel a lot, you know how tricky it can be to stick with your eating plan. But just because you're in a hotel or a restaurant doesn't mean you can't eat well. Follow these tips and you'll be good to go!
Eat as you would at home. You've gotten so good at measuring your portions, and now it's time to take that skill on the road. If your order arrives and it's enough for three, make sure you stick to just one sensible portion. If you have a fridge in your hotel room or are staying with friends, you can ask the waiter to box up the extras before you even start to eat so you won't be tempted — and you can enjoy the leftovers as a guilt-free meal on another day.
Snack before you go. If you know you'll be tempted by rich foods, have a snack before dinner. You'll feel fuller and will be less likely to indulge once you arrive at the restaurant.
Know the lingo. Avoid menu items that are described as "au gratin," "crispy," "fried," or "creamy." These are the buzzwords that signal major calories! Stick with choices that are baked, broiled, poached, or steamed instead. Now, that's menu smarts!
Substitute. If a dish comes with fries, don't hesitate to ask for it with a salad or a veggie instead. Likewise, if a meat or veggie is prepared with lots of heavy oils, ask about lighter preparation options or chose another dish. Restaurants want to make you happy, so chances are they'll be willing to help.
Share. If you're dining with a friend, split an entrée, an appetizer, or even a dessert! It's a simple way to cut calories and not feel deprived.
Don't dread the pounds you envision you'll gain on your next vacation or fall off the wagon on your next trip. By thinking ahead, you'll be equipped to travel in healthy style!
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